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This is the website for the Antique Accordion Museum, a collection of accordions belonging to Caroline Hunt.  These were formerly housed at Bogbain Farm, Inverness but the Heritage Centre there is now permanently closed.  I am currently seeking new premises.  Ideally somewhere on the coast where I could retire to (possibly Nairn, Ullapool or Stornoway) although I wont rule out other areas between Perth, Inerness and Fort William.   Maybe a hotel might like to become a music venue (similar to what The Grant Arms in Grantown on Spey now do for wildlife holidays).  Or is there somewhere which might benefit from an additional tourist attraction? I am open to suggestions. Scotland is associated as much with its music as anything else.  There is no reason why anyone interested in fiddles and bagpipes could not also get involved.   In the meantime I am happy to do mobile displays at events – see below.  
For more information contact:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

About me

In 2000 I was made redundant and already having some antique accordions went out to Castelfidardo in Italy. I returned inspired by their amazing accordion museum (Museo Internazionale della Fisarmonica). Whilst visitors look around Castelfidardo museum, other musicians eg. from Russia, France, America and Scotland are often loaned an instrument, so music from many countries is played as background music.  As there was nothing similar in the UK, and I had another job lined up, I decided to spend my redundancy on old accordions.  I have now been collecting rare and interesting accordion related instruments for over 15 years. 

In Scotland we are known for our music, as well as our inclement weather! Ultimately I should like visitors to enjoy the collection when on holiday, on days when they would rather be warm and dry in relaxed surroundings with good music, rather than cold and wet outdoors!

All content and images on this website are © Caroline Hunt, antiqueaccordions.com

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Collection History       For Sale